Why a sustainable mobility policy is essential for your company: 3 benefits cover

Why a sustainable mobility policy is essential for your company: 3 benefits

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Last updated on 29 November 2023
Jonathan De Weirt
Jonathan De Weirt,
Mobility Advisor

Still hesitating about implementing a sustainable mobility policy in your company?

Besides contributing to a greener world, it also brings along these 3 benefits. Discover them here.

Benefit 1: Flexibility for employees

Employees attach greater importance to sustainability. Since the pandemic in 2020, remote work has become widely adopted, employees are cycling to work more often and the car is losing ground for the first time in our commuting habits.

And that’s understandable. Flexible mobility offers a better work-life balance for your employees. With remote work, they no longer have to commute to and from the office, which means more time for their family or social activities.

In addition, a sustainable mobility policy offers numerous alternative mobility solutions. Think of company bicycles or carpooling, as well as train and bus subscriptions.

With a Mobility-as-a-Service platform, you can take that flexibility to an even higher level. A digital mobility platform combines more than 30 mobility services in one app. This applies both within a legal mobility budget or a cafeteria plan and for commutes or business trips.

This means that your employees always have access to the most suitable mode of transportation, perfectly tailored to their location and time.

That allows you as an HR or Fleet Manager to offer customized mobility. For Wunderman Thompson, this is a key factor in the war for talent!

Benefit 2: Cost savings

Yes, a sustainable mobility policy saves costs. In fact, the longer the distance, the more advantageous a sustainable alternative becomes.

For example, on a train journey from Kortrijk to Antwerp, you can save €52.17 per employee compared to using their own car. This is because you don’t have to worry about expensive fuel or leasing costs, parking session reimbursements, mileage allowances…

Your employees also always travel at the most advantageous train fare. A Mobility-as-a-Service platform, like the Olympus app, automatically calculates the best price based on your employee’s profile, time of travel and location.

Furthermore, you can recover VAT on sustainable mobility to the maximum extent possible. You receive one clear invoice for all your mobility expenses each month. This also means saving time on administration!

Find more savings in this mobility guide

Benefit 3: Increased productivity

Sustainable mobility contributes to a greener world, as well as the productivity of your employees.

They spend less time in traffic, experience less stress, and start their day happier. Happy employees are more productive.

This is also confirmed by Marieke Van Lysebetten, Regional Manager for East Flanders at Skill BuilderS: “I prefer commuting by bike or train. It allows me to start my day at ease. When I have to take the car and get stuck in traffic, I miss my bike or train ride.”

Curious about what employees themselves say about a sustainable mobility policy? Watch this video.

Want to simplify the management of sustainable corporate mobility?