Mobility-as-a-Service: Five Reasons Why You Should Digitalize Your Mobility Management cover

Mobility-as-a-Service: 5 Reasons Why You Should Digitalize Your Mobility Management

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Last updated on 13 June 2023
Jonathan De Weirt
Jonathan De Weirt,
Mobility Advisor

Mobility-as-a-Service integrates all possible mobility providers into one app. You can call it the Netflix of corporate mobility.

But why should you implement such a digital platform to manage your mobility? Discover the 5 reasons.

All-in-one mobility solution

With everything integrated in just one app, your employees have all mobility services at their fingertips. From now on they can skip the lines at ticket machines, because they buy their tickets directly in the app.

Moreover, thanks to the wide range of mobility options, they can choose the best means of transport at any time. By train or car sharing, the choice is theirs. Your employees always enjoy a personalized route.

By the way, with a Mobility-as-a-Service application, no logistical distribution is involved. Your employees download the app and start right away.

Real-time budget tracking

With a digital Mobility-as-a-Service solution, you can track all budgets in real-time. Both you and your employees know how much of their budget remains at any time.

Do they make expenses for commuting or business trips? Or with the legal mobility budget? In the Olympus app, their budget adjusts itself automatically.

In addition, you get a clear overview of all mobility transactions in your company on the Olympus management portal. Per month, you process just one invoice instead of many paper tickets.

Let’s save time!

Most extensive and up-to-date mobility offer

A Mobility-as-a-Service application bundles mobility services. It integrates known and currently unknown services into one platform. Through the app, your employees discover new possibilities in their area and try them out faster.

This way, you lower the threshold to choose a sustainable alternative.

Olympus app user Stéphanie Collier from B-Architects describes it as the best: “Because all mobility services are bundled in the Olympus app, I keep discovering new services.”

The amount of mobility services will only continue to grow. That’s why the Olympus app regularly integrates new mobility providers. Your mobility offer will always be up to date!

Asset in the war for talent

70% of Belgians say a wide range of mobility options is a decisive factor in their choice of employer.

Offering a company car is no longer enough. Potential employees want to determine for themselves how they travel to and from work or appointments, preferably without traffic jams.

A MaaS app easily meets their needs. It gives them the most comprehensive mobility offering on the market without any hassle. A true asset in the war for talent!

Wunderman Thompson has already set the example.

Quick reimbursement of external purchases

Do your employees make other purchases with the legal mobility budget? With the Olympus Mobility-as-a-Service platform, they receive their reimbursement within 24 working hours.

Think of …

  • Mortgage payments
  • Rental costs
  • International train rides
  • A new (electric) bike and associated maintenance

Your employees can make the best use of the legal mobility budget without any additional administration for you or your employee.

Interested in Mobility-as-a-Service?