Corporate Mobility in 2024: Evolutions and Tips cover

Corporate Mobility in 2024: Evolutions and Tips

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Last updated on 14 August 2024
Jonathan De Weirt
Jonathan De Weirt,
Mobility Advisor

What does corporate mobility look like in 2024? How do you prepare as an HR or Fleet Manager?

Based on concrete mobility data, Olympus Mobility drew up the expected evolutions.


Flexible corporate mobility for the win

Shared mobility is on the rise

Shared scooters, bikes, and cars. They are becoming increasingly popular among Olympus app users. The increase in usage aligns with the numbers in Flanders, says Bert Van Molle, Sales & Marketing Manager at Olympus Mobility:

“Compared to 2022, we saw a 30% increase in shared mobility usage this year. This was to be expected. For example, in 2022, the number of car sharers in Flanders also increased by 50% compared to 2021. Shared mobility has been on the rise for quite some time.”

However, the overall share of shared mobility users is still relatively low. In Flanders, those who used a shared scooter, bike or car in 2022 amounts to 5.6%.

But the strong increase over the past years promises great prospects for shared mobility systems. By incorporating this into your mobility policy, you are preparing your corporate mobility for the future.


90% travel by train to their destination

In 2023, 61% of Olympus app users used the bus, tram, metro, or train. Public transport is a Belgian’s main alternative to a car for a reason.

The Mobility Behavior Survey of 2022 tells us that Flemish people are taking less public transport than before 2019. However, at Olympus Mobility, we see an annual increase in usage.

Bert Van Molle, Sales & Marketing Manager: “This is likely due to the simplified accessibility. Because so many alternatives are at their fingertips, they are more inclined to leave their cars behind. The Olympus app lowers the threshold.”

For example, we consistently see that approximately 90% of public transport users travel by train. This figure remains consistent in our data.”

Offering an app that combines more than 30 mobility options for HR or Fleet Managers is a must in order to change commuting behavior within your company.


35% more companies choose sustainable corporate mobility

In addition to simplifying their expense administration, in 2023 35% more companies are also committed to a more sustainable world. Compared to 2019, there’s even a quadruple increase.

When we look at our overall travel behavior, the most common mode of transportation is still by car. However, in Flanders, the share in 2022 fell below 60% for the first time.

Bert Van Molle, Sales & Marketing Manager, says: “Companies are also noticing this shift. Graduates no longer want a company car and instead seek a viable alternative. The use of electric bikes has increased by 15% in just two years, even for commuting.”

Bert continues: “Companies want to offer different mobility options to respond to the needs of their employees. A company car has become just one of the available choices.”

With the Olympus Mobility platform, they save on administration while providing the largest number of mobility alternatives in one app. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.


Make way for the mobility budget

Corporate mobility in 2024 is synonymous with the legal mobility budget.

After the reform of the tax advantageous framework in 2022, the number of companies with a mobility budget has seen a real increase. Compared to 2022, the percentage increase in 2023 has even tripled.

Bert Van Molle, Sales & Marketing Manager: “Now that the official TCO formulas for the mobility budget are known, we expect that the number of companies will only increase. The formulas clarify which costs are and are not included in the budget. It simplifies implementation.”

But that’s not all. “The further electrification of vehicle fleets will provide an extra boost. These vehicles meet the conditions in pillar 1.”

Within pillar 2, paying for rent or a loan with the mobility budget remains the most popular option. This applies to about 70% of employees.

But what truly sets this tax advantageous framework apart? That’s the wide range of personalised mobility choices. Your employee decides for themselves how they want to spend their budget, and in pillar 2, gross amount equals net amount.


3 tips for corporate mobility in 2024

1. Implement the mobility budget

In 2024, more and more companies will be implementing the mobility budget. According to Wunderman Thompson, the fiscally advantageous framework is even a decisive factor in the war for talent.


2. Opt for flexibility

Bike leasing, shared mobility, subscriptions, and even the mobility budget. You can easily manage it all with the Olympus app. And your employee? They can choose the most suitable mode of transportation at any time of day. Without any extra administration for you.


3. Simplify your expense management with a Mobility-as-a-Service platform

Managing flexible and sustainable corporate mobility is easy. With a Mobility-as-a-Service platform, you can reduce the countless receipts and reimbursements to just one monthly invoice. Per employee, this saves you around €155 per trip!


Ready for the mobility policy of the future?


Source: Olympus Mobility Database (2023)