How does the Olympus platform work?

First, choose your profile.

  • Pictogram voor grote onderneming
    Medium / large enterprise
  • Pictogram voor kleine onderneming
    Small business
  • Pictogram voor zelfstandige
  • Pictogram voor medewerker
  • Illustratie flexibele mobiliteit met Olympus-app

    Step 1. Download the Olympus app

    To save on mobility management, you only need one app.

  • Illustratie mobiliteitsbeheer zelfstandigen en bedrijven

    Step 2. Create your account

    Follow the steps in the Olympus app and create your account.

    It only takes 5 minutes.

  • Medewerkers toevoegen aan Olympus-app

    Step 3. Add employees

    Next, invite your employees to the Olympus app.

    They will receive the necessary login details and instructions via email. Their PIN code will be sent via SMS.

  • illustratie bedrijfsbudget toevoegen aan Olympus platform

    Step 4. Assign budgets

    For each employee, you can set a monthly or yearly budget for business trips.

    You keep control over mobility expenses.

  • Illustratie gebruik Olympus-app medewerkers

    Step 5. Employees enjoy flexible mobility

    With their allocated budget, your employees are all set.

    They always have the best transportation options available at their fingertips.

  • Illustratie mobiliteit op één factuur

    Step 6. Keep track of everything

    You’ll receive just one monthly invoice with an overview of the mobility history, VAT amounts, and service fees.

    This way, you save on administration.

They love saving with Olympus Business Mobility

  • “The Olympus app is essential when our employees make business trips.

    The monthly invoice is simple & straightforward as well.”

    foto Jeroen Vanfraechem van ENTRAS
    Jeroen Vanfraechem
    Managing Partner, Entras
  • “I truly recommend the huge administrative simplification to everyone.

    The Olympus app combines essential mobility options and is extremely user-friendly.”

    Foto Wendy Claus, Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit
    Wendy Claus
    Administrative Assistant, Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit
  • “You save on expense reports and a huge amount of time.

    As an employer, you only process one invoice.

    Employees get a one-stop mobility shop.

    Olympus Mobility is a win-win.”

    Foto Stefaan Butaye van Blue-bike
    Stefaan Butaye
    CEO, Blue-bike